Hydraulic fracturing and its impact

© NASA 2012

© NASA 2016

US Total Oil Production


Production by state


Image Source: EIA

Production by play


Source: EIA

Eagle-Ford Shale


US, Russia, Saudi Arabia equivalent oil production


Source: EIA

Total energy use projection


Source: EIA

Natural gas by source


Source: EIA



Source: George King, Hydraulic Fracturing 101

Hydraulic fracturing


Source: George King, Hydraulic Fracturing 101

Frac pump trucks


Source: Jon Olson

Barnett frac job in progress


Source: Jon Olson

Is it safe?

  • Groundwater contamination
  • Earthquakes (induced siesmicity)

Fracturing fluids


Source: DOE, GWPC: Modern Gas Shale Development in the United States: A Primer (2009).

Groundwater separation


Source: George King, Hydraulic Fracturing 101

Marcellus mapped fracture treatments


Source: Fisher, K. Data Confirm Safety of Well Fracturing. The American Oil and Gas Reporter. July 2010

Does hydraulic fracturing produce earthquakes?


Eagle-Ford moment magnitude


Source: Warpinski, N.R., Du, J. Zimmer, U. Measurements of Hydraulic-Fracture-Induced Seismicity in Gas Shales. SPE Conference on Hydraulic Fracturing Technology. SPE 151597. February 2012.