PGE 383 - High Performance Computing for Engineers

Instructor: John T. Foster, Ph.D.
Office: POB 5.118
Phone: 512-471-6972

Class Location: CPE 3.114A Class Time: T-Th 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Office Hours: W 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Virtual Zoom Link (password given in class) and by appointment. Note: Due to the "reverse classroom" nature of this course, we will spend the majority of in-class time working assignments. This is your opportunity to ask questions. If you need additional help outside of that, feel free to send me an email I'll be happy to meet with you provided that your in-class attendance and participation are acceptable.

Course Website:

Required Text: None


As engineers we often encounter problems too large or too difficult to solve in a conventional manner; therefore, we resort to using the computer to do the hard work for us. These types of problems include problems in computational mechanics, optimization, and statistical analysis. Sometimes, these problems can become so large that the computational expense overwhelms our desktop workstations and we seek out high-performance computing (HPC) resources or HPC clusters to perform the job. These HPC machines are almost always computers that run a UNIX/Linux style operating system and include different parallelization paradigms such as MPI, OpenMPI, OpenCL, CUDA, etc. This course will introduce the student to the UNIX environment in a scientific computing context and include instruction on several import UNIX applications that will make them more productive users. We will also cover, at an introductory level, the differences between these parallelization styles of computing and develop a basic working understanding of how to utilize the application programming interfaces (APIs) in scientific applications.

Outline: Below is a general outline of what I intend to cover in the course. This is subject to change based on the needs and preparation of the students in the class. Any updates will be posted as they occur.

Week Topic Specifics
1 Introduction to HPC and UNIX Syllabus, Codecademy, Github, Spindletop
2 Git and Github
3 Introduction to UNIX File system, permissions, regular expressions
4 Editors vi
5 Intermediate UNIX grep, find, customizing environment
6 Managing Projects building code, cmake
7 Scientific computing Introduction to Julia, DifferentialEquations.jl
8 Scientific computing Plots.jl, LaTeX integration
9 Scientific computing PyCall, automatic differentation, Flux.jl
10 Scientific computing DifferentialEquations.jl, ModelingToolkit.jl
11 Parallel Programming MPI, cluster job submission
12 Parallel Programming MPI, MPI.jl
13 Parallel Programming PETSc.jl
14 Parallel Programming PETSc.jl
15 Machine Learning package manager, environments

Additional topics if time allows: Other scientific languages: C/C++


  • Video lecture quizzes - 20%
  • In-class exercises - 40%
    • These will be exercises performed on the computer, in-class, with the guidance of the instructor. Additional out-of-class time may be required to finish exercises not completed in-class.
  • Assigned projects - 40%
    • These will be longer exercises that may be started or worked on in-class, but will require out-of-class time to complete.

Grade Assignment

Range Grade
>92 A
90-92 A-
88-90 B+
82-88 B
80-82 B-
78-80 C+
72-78 C
70-72 C-
60-70 D
< 60 F

Disability Statement: The University of Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 512-471-6259 or see for more information.