This page provides a listing, in reverse chronological order, of course materials that are associated to each scheduled lecture period. This may include PDFs of the final lecture notes, links to recorded lectures, and any other reference material.
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Reservoir Simulation (HTML) (PDF)
Lecture 3 - Jupyter Notebook and Python Functions (HTML) (IPYNB)
Lecture XX - Introduction to Github Codespaces
Lecture XX - Visual Studio Code
Lecture 4 - Python Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries (HTML) (IPYNB)
Lecture 5 - Python Loops and Conditionals (HTML) (IPYNB)
Lecture 6 - Python Classes and Object-Oriented Programming (HTML) (IPYNB)
Lecture 7 - Numpy (HTML) (PDF)
Lecture 8 - SciPy (HTML) (PDF)
Lecture 9 - matplotlib (HTML) (PDF)
Lecture 13 - Boundary Conditions (PDF)
Lecture 15 - Finite Volume Discretization in 1D (PDF)
Lecture 17 - 1D Single Phase Flow Example in CMG
Lecture 19 - Simple 2D Problem in CMG