import IPython.display
from IPython.core.display import HTML
IPython.display.Image('images/sim.png', embed=True)
© UNISIM, Image Source
How should a field be developed to maximize economic recovery?
What is the best enhanced recovery scheme for the reservoir?
Why is the reservoir not behaving according to predictions made by previous engineering studies?
What is the ultimate economic recovery of the field?
What type of laboratory data is required?
Is it necessary to do physical model studies of the reservoir?
What is the best completion scheme for wells?
From what portion of the reservoir is the production coming?
%%tikz --scale 1.0 --size 500,500 -f png
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, node distance=3cm, text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex]
\node [block] (problem) {Engineering Problem};
\node [block, below of=problem] (model) {Mathematical Model};
\node [block, right of=model, node distance=5cm] (numerical) {Numerical Model};
\node [block, right of=problem, node distance=5cm] (solution) {Engineering Solution};
\path [line] (problem) -- (model);
\path [line] (model) -- (numerical);
\path [line] (numerical) -- (solution);
Conversion to mathematical model requires understanding physics
Fluid and rock properties of the reservoir
Laws that describe flow and transport (conservation of mass, energy, and momentum)
Numerical solution to the mathematical problem requires simplifications and approximations that are still accurate
Assume that fluid and rock properties are constant over a control volume
Transform non-linear PDEs into linear system of algebraic equations
Solve the system of equations
IPython.display.Image('images/res_to_block.png', embed=True)
IPython.display.Image('images/sim_schematic.png', embed=True, width=500)
{Rate In} - {Rate Out} = {Accumulation}
For each component (oil, gas, water, energy)
For each cell
Coupled equations (water and oil)
PDEs (time and space – 1, 2 ,or 3D)
Variable properties (like permeability and porosity)
Use and perform error analysis of approximate numerical techniques to solve math problems
Root finding
Systems of equations
Interpolation, Integration, etc.
Solution to differential equations
Eclipse (Schlumberger)
Intersect (Schlumberger + Chevron)
Nexus (Halliburton)
In House
Empower (ExxonMobil)
Cheers (Chevron)
PSim (ConocoPhillips)
MoReS – (Shell)
Powers – (Saudi)
UT-CHEM (UT Chemical Flooding)
IPARS (UT Multiscale Simulation)
GPAS (UT compositional)
TOUGH2 (Lawrence Berkley National Labs)