Conditionals and Flow Control

Conditional statements are tests to return whether a given comparison between two variables is true or false. They are used in combination with if-statements to control the flow of a program. For example, we may want to check if the inputs to a particular function or program is within some valid range, or non-negative. In the event that it is a valid input, we proceed with the calculations. In the event that it is an invalid input, we terminate the program and prompt the user to input a parameter that is valid.

Conditional operators

The conditional operators in Julia consist of the following:

  • == for testing if two data types are equal to each other

  • != for testing if two data types are not equal to each other

  • > for testing if one data type is greater than another

  • < for testing if one data type is less than another

  • >= for testing if one data type is greater than or equal to another

  • <= for testing if one data type is less than or equal to another

A few code examples with obvious outputs are shown below

println(5 == 5)
println(5 != 6)
println(10 > 9)
println(9 < 10)
println(10 >= 10)
println(9 <= 10)

You can negate any operation above by placing a ! in front of it, e.g.

!(5 == 5)

Testing subsets

You can also test if one element is a subset of another, e.g.

1 in [1, 2, 3]
1 in (1, 2, 3)
dict = Dict("key1" => 1, "key2" => 2, "key3" => 3)

haskey(dict, "key1")
1 in values(dict)

For strings we need to use the function occursin()

occursin("Hello", "Hello, World!")

and / or operations

We can combine multiple conditional statements using the && and || operators. For example,

(9 <= 9) && (9 < 10)

These follow the following boolean logic

  • true and true = true

  • true and false = false

  • false and false = false

  • true or true = true

  • true or false = true

  • false or false = false

As many && and || statements can be combined as desired. It’s a good idea to use parenthesis when combining multiple and/or operations to ensure clarity in the order of operations.

(true && false) || true

if, elseif, else statements

We control the flow of a program with if-statements. if-statements use conditionals as a test and then execute code in the body of the if-statement when the test is true. Below we define a function that takes a number x as an argument and prints "x is positive" if (and only if) the input value for x is greater than 0.

function test_if_x_is_positive(x)
    if x > 0
        println("x is positive")
test_if_x_is_positive (generic function with 1 method)

Running the function with a few inputs

x is positive

Notice the second function call does not return anything at all, this is because the conditional statement evaluated to False and therefore the body of the if-statement was never executed. We can add a else clause to the elif-statement (shorthand for else if that will execute given another conditional statement, perhaps checking to see if x is negative.

function test_if_x_is_positive_or_negative(x)
    if x > 0
        println("x is positive")
    elseif x < 0
        println("x is negative")
test_if_x_is_positive_or_negative (generic function with 1 method)

Running the function with a few inputs

x is positive
x is negative

achieves the expected result. What about the case when x is exactly 0?


This case does not return any print statements because neither condition is met. We could write a thrid condition to test if x is identically zero, or we could use an else clause which can be thought of as the “otherwise” condition. The else-statement will execute in the event that none of the if or elseif conditions have been met. An else-statement is not followed by a condition.

function test_if_x_is_positive_or_negative(x)
    if x > 0
        println("x is positive")
    elseif x < 0
        println("x is negative")
        println("x is 0!")
test_if_x_is_positive_or_negative (generic function with 1 method)
x is 0!


You can also nest if-statements inside each other. There is no limit to how many times this can be done. An example is below. This function takes two arguments x and truncate_value. If x is less thantruncate_value it returns truncate_value, otherwise is returns x. It also allows truncate_value to be defined as nothing in which case it returns x.

function truncate(x, truncate_value)
    if truncate_value != nothing
        if x < truncate_value
            return truncate_value
            return x
        return x
truncate (generic function with 1 method)
@show truncate(5, 4)
@show truncate(-4, 0)
@show truncate(5, nothing);
truncate(5, 4) = 5
truncate(-4, 0) = 0
truncate(5, nothing) = 5

While you can nest if-statements to any level, the readability of the code begins to suffer the deeper you go. At some point, it’s generally better for readability and debugging mistakes in the code to break out some of the logic into smaller functions. The example above is really too simple for this to be necessary, but an example is shown below to demonstrate the idea.

The underscore _ in the function name _truncate is simply a convention to indicate that this function is never intended to be called directly by a user, but rather just a function that will be called in the body of other functions.

function _truncate(x, truncate_value)
    if x < truncate_value
        return truncate_value
        return x 
function truncate(x, truncate_value)
    if truncate_value != nothing
        return _truncate(x, truncate_value)
        return x
truncate (generic function with 1 method)
truncate(-4, 0)

The first function _truncate performs the truncation operation, but would error if truncate_value = nothing. The second function checks to ensure that truncate_value != nothing and if this is true, then it calls the first function.

Ternary operator

The ternary operator is a shorthand single line if/else statement that has the form

test ? do if test is true : do if test is false

ternary_truncate(x, truncate_value) = x < truncate_value ? truncate_value : x 
ternary_truncate (generic function with 1 method)
@show ternary_truncate(-4, 0)
@show ternary_truncate(5, 0);
ternary_truncate(-4, 0) = 0
ternary_truncate(5, 0) = 5